Message from sahar
The upcoming session should be unforgettable. Here are some tips to make the day run smoothly. On this page you will find a checklist of everything you should bring or do in advance to ensure a smooth photo session. Please read this checklist carefully so that we can have a perfect session together.
Best regards Sahar
Bring positive vibes with you! Children sense when their parents are stressed and react to it.
A favorite snack or a small toy can work wonders when the little ones don’t feel like it. Today is a special day, so a little extra is perfectly fine.
If possible, please bring an additional person – apart from your partner – who can look after the child. They can also go out with the child for a short time if necessary.
Every child has a better or worse day. We will take fantastic photos, but it is important that we focus on the child’s well-being.
Bring different outfits for the child. Depending on your mood and the situation, your child can also take part in the other photo session and show themselves matching your outfits.
I’m really looking forward to capturing these special moments with you! 😊